At Novamedia - the company behind the Loterijen - innovation is the shared value that is embraced throughout the organisation, both in devising prizes and in ensuring a perfect execution of all campaigns. It was precisely for this reason that Sidekix was asked, 16 years ago, to work as a fulfilment partner for the Loterijen. A collaboration we are very proud of to this day.
As a fulfilment partner, Sidekix has the task of ensuring that the prizes won by participants through the Lotteries feel like a party. Because if one thing has not changed in all these years, it is the attention for the customer. In an interview with MarketingTribune, Imme Rog, CMO at Novamedia, talks about the importance of satisfied customers and how the dynamic between them and Sidekix helps to make this vision a reality. Not only by making the experience surrounding the (winners) campaigns perfect, but also by ensuring a perfect execution from start to finish.
Curious about what Imme Rog has to say about all this? You can read the interview on MarketingTribune.