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Postcode Lottery Millionaire Hunt

2013 - 2021
In the successful game show Miljoenenjacht on SBS 6, Linda de Mol assists the candidates in their search for the suitcase containing the coveted €5 million. Participants of the Postcode Lottery can play along with the bingo during the final game. The first person to get a full bingo card will have Winston Gerschtanowitz on their doorstep on Sunday evening with the same amount of money that the winner in the studio just won. And to make sure that all goes smoothly, Sidekix keeps all the balls in the air in the background.

How does that work? To start with, we print and send the invitation letters to participants of the National Postcode Lottery who have won the prize to participate in the Millionaire Hunt. This letter is provided by us with a registration code that the winners fill in on a website, which is also created by Sidekix. The entire registration process is supported by an email flow and our Contact Center, which answers all questions, reassures candidates and helps them register. A fun and challenging job that Sidekix has been doing for many years, taking a lot of work out of the hands of the Postcode Lottery!

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